create or replace function function_name( arg1 [] datatype1, arg2 [] datatype2 )return datattype is begin end; --调用语法 var v1 varchar2(100) exec :v1:=function_name --一:不带参数的定义 create or replace function get_time return varchar2 is time_result varchar2(50); begin select sysdate into time_result from dual; return time_result; end get_time; --命令窗口中执行SQL> var tinfo varchar2(50);
SQL> exec :tinfo:=get_time; --执行结果 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed tinfo --------- 08-7月 -16
create or replace function get_time_in( in_info in varchar2 )return varchar2 is time_result varchar2(50); begin select sysdate into time_result from dual; return time_result||in_info; end get_time_in;--命令窗口中执行
SQL> var v1 varchar2(50);
SQL> exec :v1:=get_time_in('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'); --执行结果 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed v1 --------- 08-7月 -16aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--三:带out参数的
create or replace function get_time_in2( in_info in varchar2, job out varchar2 )return varchar2 is time_result varchar2(50); begin select sysdate into time_result from dual; return time_result||in_info||job; end get_time_in2; --命令窗口中执行 SQL> var job varchar2(20) SQL> var e_name varchar2(20) SQL> exec :e_name:=get_time_in2('in args',:job);--执行结果
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
e_name --------- 09-7月 -16in args job ---------参考:http://blog.csdn.net/jumtre/article/details/38092067
drop type htjs_business_row ;
drop type htjs_business_state_row_type; drop PACKAGE business_state_pkg;--定义自定类型
CREATE OR REPLACE type htjs_business_state_row_type as object(bissid VARCHAR2(20),businessState varchar2(50)); CREATE OR REPLACE type htjs_business_row as table of htjs_business_state_row_type;--声明包
create or replace package business_state_pkg is --预算状态函数 function fun_htjs_business_state return htjs_business_row; --续保状态函数 function fun_htjs_bs_state_continue return htjs_business_row; --供应商状态函数 function fun_htjs_bs_state_supp return htjs_business_row; end business_state_pkg; --包体 create or replace package body business_state_pkg is --预算状态函数start function fun_htjs_business_state return htjs_business_row as rs htjs_business_row:= htjs_business_row(); businessState VARCHAR2(50);bissid bosp_htys_businessreserve.id%type;
isquit bosp_htys_businessreserve.isquit%type; BUS_STATE bosp_htys_businessreserve.BUS_STATE%type; formalcensor bosp_htys_receptioninfo.formalcensor%type; accept_state bosp_htys_receptioninfo.accept_state%type; substanceresult bosp_htys_backstageinfo.substanceresult%type; iscomplete bosp_htys_backstageinfo.iscomplete%type; gather_state bosp_htys_backstageinfo.gather_state%type; app_state bosp_htjs_contract_report.app_state%type; back_app_state bosp_htys_backstageinfo.app_state%type; mortem_state bosp_htys_ysinfo.mortem_state%type; returnman bosp_htys_businessreserve.returnman%type; issubmit bosp_htys_backstageinfo.issubmit%type; begin for myrow in( --状态sql开始 SELECT biss. ID, biss.isquit, biss.BUS_STATE, rec.formalcensor, rec.accept_state, back.substanceresult, back.iscomplete, back.gather_state, back.app_state back_app_state, bhcreport.app_state, ys.mortem_state, biss.returnman, back.issubmit FROM bosp_htys_businessreserve biss LEFT JOIN bosp_htys_receptioninfo rec ON biss. ID = rec.business_id LEFT JOIN bosp_htjs_contractinfo con ON con. ID = biss.contractinfo_id LEFT JOIN bosp_htjs_subengineeringinfo sub ON sub. ID = con.subengineeringinfo_id LEFT JOIN bosp_htjs_engineeringinfo eng ON eng. ID = sub.engineering_id LEFT JOIN bosp_global_supplier sup ON con.supplier_id = sup. ID LEFT JOIN bosp_htys_backstageinfo back ON back.qt_business_id = rec. ID LEFT JOIN bosp_htys_budget budget ON budget.business_id = biss. ID LEFT JOIN bosp_htys_monthlygatherinfo bhmgather ON bhmgather.business_id = biss. ID LEFT JOIN bosp_htjs_contract_report bhcreport ON bhmgather.report_id = bhcreport. ID LEFT JOIN bosp_htys_ysinfo ys ON ys.business_id = biss. ID where biss.business_type IN (1,2,3,4,5,6) AND ( (bhcreport.id is not null and bhcreport.report_type = 2 AND bhcreport.is_del = 0) or bhcreport.id is null ) --状态sql结束 ) loop --业务逻辑判断开始 bissid := myrow.ID; isquit := myrow.isquit; BUS_STATE := myrow.BUS_STATE; formalcensor := myrow.formalcensor; accept_state := myrow.accept_state; substanceresult := myrow.substanceresult; iscomplete := myrow.iscomplete; gather_state := myrow.gather_state; app_state := myrow.app_state; back_app_state := myrow.back_app_state; mortem_state := myrow.mortem_state; returnman := myrow.returnman; issubmit := myrow.issubmit; dbms_output.put_line(BUS_STATE); if BUS_STATE is not null THEN if BUS_STATE=0 then businessState := 'dsl'; elsif (BUS_STATE=1 or BUS_STATE=3) then if formalcensor is null then businessState := 'dxssc'; elsif formalcensor=0 then businessState := 'xsscbtg'; elsif formalcensor=1 then businessState := 'xssctg'; if accept_state=1 then businessState := 'dszsc'; if mortem_state=4 then businessState := 'ysth'; end if; --实审开始 if substanceresult is not null then --if issubmit is not null then --if issubmit=1 then if substanceresult=0 then businessState := 'szscbtg'; elsif substanceresult=1 then businessState := 'szsctg'; if isquit=1 then if back_app_state is not null then businessState := 'isquit_money_app_state' || back_app_state; end if; else businessState := 'dbzys'; if iscomplete=1 then businessState := 'ybzys'; if gather_state=1 then if app_state is not null then businessState := 'declare_state' || app_state; end if; end if; end if; end if; elsif substanceresult=2 then businessState := 'qxzz'; end if; --end if; --end if; end if; --实审结束 end if; end if; elsif BUS_STATE=2 then businessState := 'thgys'; if formalcensor=0 then businessState := 'xsscbtg'; end if; end if; end if; --增加记录 rs.extend; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (rs.count); rs(rs.count) := htjs_business_state_row_type(bissid,businessState); end loop; return rs; end fun_htjs_business_state; --预算状态函数end--续保状态函数start
function fun_htjs_bs_state_continue return htjs_business_row as rs htjs_business_row:= htjs_business_row(); businessState VARCHAR2(50);bissid bosp_htys_businessreserve.id%type;
BUS_STATE bosp_htys_businessreserve.BUS_STATE%type; formalcensor bosp_htys_receptioninfo.formalcensor%type; accept_state bosp_htys_receptioninfo.accept_state%type; substanceresult bosp_htys_backstageinfo.substanceresult%type; returnman bosp_htys_businessreserve.returnman%type; isinvalid bosp_htys_backstageinfo.isinvalid%type; q_receptionstate bosp_htys_receptioninfo.q_receptionstate%type; issubmit bosp_htys_backstageinfo.issubmit%type; begin for myrow in( --状态sql开始 SELECT biss. ID, biss.BUS_STATE, rec.formalcensor, rec.accept_state, back.substanceresult, biss.returnman, back.isinvalid, rec.q_receptionstate, back.issubmit FROM bosp_htys_businessreserve biss LEFT JOIN bosp_htys_receptioninfo rec ON biss. ID = rec.business_id LEFT JOIN bosp_htjs_contractinfo con ON con. ID = biss.contractinfo_id LEFT JOIN bosp_htjs_subengineeringinfo sub ON sub. ID = con.subengineeringinfo_id LEFT JOIN bosp_htjs_engineeringinfo eng ON eng. ID = sub.engineering_id LEFT JOIN bosp_global_supplier sup ON con.supplier_id = sup. ID LEFT JOIN bosp_htys_backstageinfo back ON back.qt_business_id = rec. ID WHERE biss.business_type = 8 --状态sql结束 ) loop --业务逻辑判断开始 bissid := myrow.ID; BUS_STATE := myrow.BUS_STATE; formalcensor := myrow.formalcensor; accept_state := myrow.accept_state; substanceresult := myrow.substanceresult; returnman := myrow.returnman; isinvalid := myrow.isinvalid; q_receptionstate := myrow.q_receptionstate; issubmit := myrow.issubmit; dbms_output.put_line(BUS_STATE); if BUS_STATE is not null THEN if BUS_STATE=0 then businessState := 'dsl'; elsif (BUS_STATE=1 or BUS_STATE=3) then if formalcensor is null then businessState := 'dxssc'; elsif formalcensor=0 then businessState := 'xsscbtg'; elsif formalcensor=1 then businessState := 'xssctg'; if accept_state=1 then businessState := 'dszsc'; if isinvalid=0 then businessState := 'zf'; end if; --实审开始 if substanceresult is not null then --if issubmit is not null then --if issubmit=1 then if substanceresult=0 then businessState := 'szscbtg'; elsif substanceresult=1 then businessState := 'szsctg'; elsif substanceresult=2 then businessState := 'qxzz'; end if; --end if; --end if; end if; --实审结束 end if; end if; elsif BUS_STATE=2 then businessState := 'thgys'; if formalcensor=0 then businessState := 'xsscbtg'; end if; end if; end if; --增加记录 rs.extend; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (rs.count); rs(rs.count) := htjs_business_state_row_type(bissid,businessState); end loop; return rs; end fun_htjs_bs_state_continue; --续保状态函数end--供应商状态函数start
function fun_htjs_bs_state_supp return htjs_business_row as rs htjs_business_row:= htjs_business_row(); businessState VARCHAR2(50);bissid bosp_htys_businessreserve.id%type;
BUS_STATE bosp_htys_businessreserve.BUS_STATE%type; formalcensor bosp_htys_receptioninfo.formalcensor%type; accept_state bosp_htys_receptioninfo.accept_state%type; substanceresult bosp_htys_backstageinfo.substanceresult%type; returnman bosp_htys_businessreserve.returnman%type; isinvalid bosp_htys_backstageinfo.isinvalid%type; q_receptionstate bosp_htys_receptioninfo.q_receptionstate%type; app_state bosp_htys_ht_supplierinfobg.app_state%type; issubmit bosp_htys_backstageinfo.issubmit%type; begin for myrow in( --状态sql开始 SELECT biss. ID, biss.BUS_STATE, rec.formalcensor, rec.accept_state, back.substanceresult, biss.returnman, back.isinvalid, rec.q_receptionstate, suppbg.app_state, back.issubmit FROM bosp_htys_businessreserve biss LEFT JOIN bosp_htys_receptioninfo rec ON biss. ID = rec.business_id LEFT JOIN bosp_htjs_contractinfo con ON con. ID = biss.contractinfo_id LEFT JOIN bosp_htjs_subengineeringinfo sub ON sub. ID = con.subengineeringinfo_id LEFT JOIN bosp_htjs_engineeringinfo eng ON eng. ID = sub.engineering_id LEFT JOIN bosp_global_supplier sup ON con.supplier_id = sup. ID LEFT JOIN bosp_htys_backstageinfo back ON back.qt_business_id = rec. ID LEFT JOIN bosp_htys_ht_supplierinfobg suppbg ON biss. ID = suppbg.business_id WHERE BISS.BUSINESS_TYPE=7 --状态sql结束 ) loop --业务逻辑判断开始 bissid := myrow.ID; BUS_STATE := myrow.BUS_STATE; formalcensor := myrow.formalcensor; accept_state := myrow.accept_state; substanceresult := myrow.substanceresult; returnman := myrow.returnman; isinvalid := myrow.isinvalid; q_receptionstate := myrow.q_receptionstate; app_state := myrow.app_state; issubmit := myrow.issubmit; dbms_output.put_line(BUS_STATE); if BUS_STATE is not null THEN if BUS_STATE=0 then businessState := 'dsl'; elsif (BUS_STATE=1 or BUS_STATE=3) then if formalcensor is null then businessState := 'dxssc'; elsif formalcensor=0 then businessState := 'xsscbtg'; elsif formalcensor=1 then businessState := 'xssctg'; if accept_state=1 then businessState := 'dszsc'; if isinvalid=0 then businessState := 'zf'; end if; --实审开始 if substanceresult is not null then --if issubmit is not null then --if issubmit=1 then if substanceresult=0 then businessState := 'szscbtg'; elsif substanceresult=1 then businessState := 'szsctg'; if app_state is not null then businessState := 'suppbg_app_state' || app_state; if app_state=2 then if isinvalid=0 then businessState := 'zf'; end if; end if; end if; elsif substanceresult=2 then businessState := 'qxzz'; end if; --end if; --end if; end if; --实审结束 end if; end if; elsif BUS_STATE=2 then businessState := 'thgys'; if formalcensor=0 then businessState := 'xsscbtg'; end if; end if; end if; --增加记录 rs.extend; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (rs.count); rs(rs.count) := htjs_business_state_row_type(bissid,businessState); end loop; return rs; end fun_htjs_bs_state_supp; --供应商状态函数endend business_state_pkg;
create materialized view mv_htjs_business_state refresh force on demand as select htjs_business_state.* from table(business_state_pkg.fun_htjs_business_state) htjs_business_state; create materialized view mv_htjs_bs_state_continue refresh force on demand as select htjs_bs_state_continue.* from table(business_state_pkg.fun_htjs_bs_state_continue) htjs_bs_state_continue; create materialized view mv_htjs_bs_state_supp refresh force on demand as select htjs_bs_state_supp.* from table(business_state_pkg.fun_htjs_bs_state_supp) htjs_bs_state_supp; --删除视图 drop materialized view mv_htjs_business_state; drop materialized view mv_htjs_bs_state_continue; drop materialized view mv_htjs_bs_state_supp; --查询 select htjs_business_state.* from table(business_state_pkg.fun_htjs_bs_state_supp) htjs_business_state; select * from mv_htjs_business_state; select htjs_bs_state_continue.* from table(business_state_pkg.fun_htjs_bs_state_continue) htjs_bs_state_continue; select * from mv_htjs_bs_state_continue; select htjs_bs_state_supp.* from table(business_state_pkg.fun_htjs_bs_state_supp) htjs_bs_state_supp; select * from mv_htjs_bs_state_supp; --刷新视图(命令) exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_htjs_business_state'); exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_htjs_bs_state_continue'); exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_htjs_bs_state_supp');--java调用:call dbms_mview.refresh('mv_htjs_business_state')";